6 Ways to Pray During the Israeli-Palestinean War

As you watch the horrific events continuing to unfold in Israel, I trust you are realizing more and more that our first and best action is prayer. Since the evening of October 7, both Julie and I have been increasingly and specifically praying for believers in that region.

This is especially critical as this conflict lengthens, as international protests and global disruptions increase, as theological debates regarding Israel heighten, and as the evil regime of Hamas further commits inhumane atrocities in the region. Frankly, there is probably little you can do physically to affect this situation and its potential ripples. There is a lot you can do spiritually: Pray!

To aid in that, I’ve written some prayer points and intercessory themes culled from various bulletins, emails, and resources I’ve received from other pastors and networks. As a shepherd, I wanted to help our flock intercede effectively with both the geo-political and theological issues in mind. So while these are not completely original, they are customized for our faith family and fit our context. I wrote them with our sheep in mind.

Through this blog, perhaps these prayer points will help a wider audience as well.

As you pray, remember that:

  • All people, regardless of ethnicity, are created in the image of God. He loves everyone of them. Jesus, the Son of God sent by the Father, willingly went to the cross, just outside of Jerusalem in that very region, to sacrifice Himself as the Lamb for people from every nation. Pray for all the people there collectively.
  • Many of these image-bearers are suffering from the cruel effects of violence and war. Palestine and Israel each have their own groups of people who are enduring tragic pain and loss. Our hearts should hurt with and break for them. Pray for the people who are suffering there.
  • As Christians, we have a deep appreciation and theological thankfulness for Israel. God choose them as the means through which he brought the Savior, Christ the Messiah, to us. How grateful we are that, through the One who came from the seed of Abraham, all nations will ultimately be blessed because people from every tribe, tongue, and nation will be redeemed and gathered around the throne of God eternally (Revelation 7:9). Pray for all people to come to know Jesus, the long-awaited One who walked those very places in Palestine and Israel.
  • Paul explicitly referred to all believers as “the Israel of God” (Galatians 6:16), and any one who has trusted in Christ alone has, by God’s grace, been grafted into God’s chosen people (Romans 11:17). Truly, God’s universal people—Christians—exist in both Palestine and Israel. Pray for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, already in this region, to endure faithfully.
  • Pray against Hamas and its terrible intention through tomorrow’s global, pro-evil demonstration. Their actions in Israel are inexcusable and sinful. We should pray that the brutal tactics of Hamas end and that they are brought to justice. Pray for both justice and peace!
  • As God’s people, we long, even groan, for Jesus to return (Romans 8:22-25). And we pray to that end as well (Rev. 22:20 ). Pray for Christ to come again soon.

NOTE: I also signed the Evangelical Statement in Support of Israel, and would encourage others to as well. You can see the statement and sign it at the link above

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