“All Comfort” > “Any Affliction”

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There’s no hardship greater than the comforting hand of God.

This biblical promise is based on four words in 2 Corinthians 1: “all comfort” (v 3) and “any affliction” (v 4).

Take a minute and read it for yourself.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

Essentially, Paul assured those Corinthian believers that God’s comfort, which comes to and through people, would always be enough for any of their hardships. Always.

That truth is still valid today. God’s comfort, which comes to and through people, is always enough for any of our hardships. Always.

Know what that means? It means that

  • Sad surprises which suddenly change your life don’t dismiss God’s comfort.
  • Death’s temporary separation doesn’t end God’s comfort.
  • A sudden sickness won’t weaken God’s comfort.
  • A terminal illness can’t stop God’s comfort.
  • Cultural opposition doesn’t intimidate God’s comfort.
  • Relational tension won’t silence God’s comfort.
  • Emotional trauma can’t scare God’s comfort.
  • A sketchy past can’t erase God’s comfort.
  • An uncertain future won’t conceal God’s comfort.

In other words, all of God’s comfort is greater than any of your affliction. In mathematical terms, “all God’s comfort” > “any of your affliction.” And note the modifiers, would you? “All” and “any” are especially captivating because they are not accidental. Rather, they are quite intentional.

Why? Perhaps it’s because Paul was aware his readers were people of “exceptions.” Much like you and me, they may have thought, “God’s comfort is good for them but not for me.” Or, “it helps for that, but not for this.” Yet, two simple words—“all” and “any”—remove all exceptions and prove there is no hardship outside of or greater than the comforting hand of God. Not a single one.

So whatever you’re facing today—that’s right, whatever!—it isn’t bigger, larger, greater, deeper, wider, stronger, or more powerful than the comfort that comes from God. You can be sure our Father’s divine encouragement will always be more than enough for anything and everything that lies ahead of you.

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