Every true type has an antitype. And King David’s is King Jesus.
To showcase one of the ways this is seen, consider the four words that describe David in 1 Samuel 17 (mentioned in the previous post): Sensitivity, authority, community, and glory. These very words also describe the antitype of 1 Samuel 17, Jesus Christ, especially in his final days. Consider this:
- The Temple cleansing was evidence of his sensitivity to God’s name and house.
- The garden prayer was evidence of his surrender and obedience to his Father’s authority.
- The cross was evidence of his commitment to God’s people, the spiritual community he purchased by his blood.
- The resurrection was evidence of God’ glory revealed as the Father vindicated his Son as King and Conqueror, our ultimate Goliath-slayer!
Truly, Jesus is the substance of everything David foreshadowed!