Though we have seen some victories over the last decade in regards to the number of abortions performed, the horribly tragic fact is that it still remains legal in our country. We are in the middle of our own holocaust! Consider the following:
- 51% of all pregnancies are unplanned.*
- 40% of those end in abortion.*
- 37% of abortions are performed on protestant women.*
- 49% of women who’ve had abortions believe teachings of forgiveness don’t apply to them*
- Due to conservative legislation, which makes it more challenging to operate abortion clinics, there has been a decline in abortion providers. No less than 162 clinics closed since 2011.**
- There has been a steady decline in abortions since 1980. The abortion rate in 2011 was 16.9 per 1,000 women aged 15–44, down 13% from 19.4 per 1,000 in 2008. This is the lowest rate observed since abortion became legal in the United States in 1973.***
- Still, 21% of all pregnancies in the U.S. end in abortion (not including natural miscarriages).****
- In raw numbers, that means 730,322 abortions in the US. (This is from 2011, the latest year records are available.)****
- Of the women obtaining abortions in any given year, about half of them have had at least one previous abortion.****
- By age 45, one third of American women will have had at least one abortion.****
I’ve never shied away from this issue. I’ve been politely outspoken and kindly clear in my writing and speaking. I’ve stood outside abortion clinics and prayed they would close. I’ve marched in protests and attended rallies. I’ve conversed with my legislators personally and pointedly, asking them to defund Planned Parenthood. I’ve asked presidential candidates one-on-one and face-to-face if they intend to actually take action against the unjust opinion of SCOTUS in 1973. I’ve not done much, but I’ve refused to stay silent or on the sideline.
I’ve also listened to and prayed with both men and women who have aborted their babies. I’ve seen their pain close up, heard their regret loud and clear, and watched their repentance in living color. They are trophies of God’s amazing grace, people who know the power and forgiveness of the cross of Christ in deep ways. Having those pastoral conversations is never easy, but watching those personal transformations is always worth it.
In some ways and on some days, I feel like I walk in two fields—the battlefield of a warrior and the pasture of a shepherd. At times I’m standing against, at other times kneeling with. It’s just part of the role I’ve been given by the Mighty Warrior and Chief Shepherd.
So with sword and shield as well as rod and staff, I remain committed to life for life. I’ll stay steadfastly solid on this truth: children are treasures, not trash, whether in or out of the womb.
May we pray and strive together for an end to the atrocity of abortion.
*Facts and Trends, Winter 2016, Lifeway Research
**Bloomberg, February 24, 2016
***Induced Abortion in the United States, Guttmacher Institute
****Abortions in America, Operation Rescue