The One Question I’d Ask Is…

What would I ask a presidential candidate if I had the opportunity to speak with him or her one-on-one? I’ve often wondered that, but never actually answered my own question because the reality of actually conversing with one of them in that manner seemed remote, if not unrealistic.

IMG_5422Well whatayaknow—I recently had the opportunity to speak with two of the GOP presidential candidates one-on-one, so it was time to figure that out. What one question did I ask them?

“If you win the presidency and your party gains control of both houses, is there a way to overturn Roe v. Wade without the Supreme Court?”

Believe it or not, one of the candidates pictured here had the answer, the other didn’t. Not that both didn’t want to end the horrific holocaust of the unborn in our nation, but only one knew a strategy to get it done in spite of the judicial branch’s deathly opinion in 1973.

IMG_5415In all fairness, I haven’t had the opportunity to ask any of the other 354 candidates, (okay, that’s hyperbolic…relax!) regardless of party. But if I were afforded that opportunity, I’d ask them all that same question. Without hesitation. Without apology.

Why? Because the issue in our nation is the issue of life and the right to it for all persons, born or unborn. What is a strong economy if we’re killing our up-and-coming workforce? What good is dealing with illegal immigration if our own babies don’t feel safe in their own borders? Why worry about Social Security if there’s no security for those who make up our social system? Pick an issue—it doesn’t rise above stopping the slaughter of living babies in the wombs of mothers. There is no freedom more precious than the freedom to live. It is foundational to all the others. And that’s precisely why putting an end to abortion is the first thing I pray our next president does.

By the way, there is an answer to the question. Do you know it? Love to hear your thoughts and opinions, so feel free to chime in!

4 Comments on “The One Question I’d Ask Is…”

  1. If I had to guess, I would say that our laws would need to define that a human life begins at conception. I would think that would essentially end any arugment because then if you decide to have an abortion you are by definiton of our laws committing murder. That should nullify Roe v. Wade without the Supreme Court.

  2. If you were overturn Roe V Wade without the SCOTUS, I think you would have to amend the US Constitution.. That would require a 2/3 majority vote in both the House and the Senate. That would be very hard to do.

  3. The way I see it, our culture is at a turning point. We are actively trying to redefine the basic building blocks of our culture: family, marriage, life, rule of law. I was talking with my dad earlier this week, and mentioned that we, as a culture, need to decide on about three major issues before we can make any headway on issues like abortion, and they all seem to fit nicely into a question of worldviews.

    First, what is the value of life, and when does it begin? If life has value, it should be protected. If it should be protected, it should be protected from the moment it begins.

    Second, what is the role of government? If the government exists to protect our freedoms, it should protect all freedoms, not just the ones made up by unelected judges to suit their fancies. Freedom of religion was such a basic right that the founding fathers made it our first amendment to the Constitution. At the time this country was founded, every country in Europe had a state religion, and if you were not part of that religion, you were actively persecuted. Our founding fathers did not want that for the U.S., so they established the First Amendment to protect the freedom of religion.

    Finally, we seem to need to define the basic terms that determine who we are: what defines life, gender, and family? Do we go with the traditional understanding that has been in place for hundreds and thousands of years, or do we go with the newer interpretations that say there is no such thing as gender, or that there is more of a gender continuum?

    If we, as a society, cannot agree on these definitions, we will soon cease to be a society at all.

    To more simply answer your original question, it would seem that the easiest way to deal with Roe v Wade is to consider it what it is: a judicial opinion, not the law. The courts have never been tasked with creating law, and they clearly attempted to do so with that ruling. It’s time for us to stop letting the court get away with that, and to return the legislative process to the legislature.

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