Did She Really Just Say That?

Sitting in on the Monday session of the U.S. Senate was one thing. Getting in was quite another. Let me explain. You’d think that watching Senators McConnell (R-KY) and Schumer (D-NY) engage in a parliamentary chess match would take the cake when it comes to … Read More

The Ballot Battle: What are the Platforms?

As a follow up to yesterday’s piece on the freedom area of voting, and as a way to respond to many of you who have honest, sincere questions, here are the official platforms, in alphabetical order, of the four parties that garner most of the … Read More

The One Question I’d Ask Is…

What would I ask a presidential candidate if I had the opportunity to speak with him or her one-on-one? I’ve often wondered that, but never actually answered my own question because the reality of actually conversing with one of them in that manner seemed remote, … Read More

Portman’s Pickle: It’s About More Than Sex

You can always tell what someone really believes by what it takes to change their mind. Such is the case with Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) who came out today in support of same-sex marriage after his son, Will, told him and his wife he was … Read More