Jewish Holidays: A Humorous Summary

I’ve been in Israel for the past week or so, and our guide, whom we know as Pitch (but whose real name is Abraham) is quite funny. He’s a Jew, an archeologist, and does a really good job bringing out the history and geography of the sites and places that we are visiting. He provides a good cultural backdrop for the biblical teaching Mary and I are providing.

The most humorous thing I’ve heard him say concerns how Jewish people succinctly describe their holidays. And with his strong accent, well, you can almost hear the echo of 2,500+ years of feasts and festivals in his voice. Essentially, he says, the Israelites use three sentences to summarize them:

1. Our enemies tried to kill us.
2. God saved us.
3. Let’s eat.

Simple. Funny. Memorable. Nice work, Pitch!

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