The Small Gifts of Christmas

UnknownSmall things can make a big difference! And small books can have a great impact. Such is the case with the short, self-titled book by the prophet Micah. In fact, it’s small things that Micah brings attention to throughout the three sections of his prophecy.

Micah is best understood based on its three divisions, each one marked off by the words “listen” or “hear.” And in each division Micah talks about the big, obvious, and loud – possessions and things (1:2-2:13), position and titles (3:1-5:15), and pompous worship and rituals (6:1-7:20). Yet, as an answer to each one, Micah shows that a simple shepherd will arise from a small town and simply save the day!
51-tZ3IsERL._SX373_BO1,204,203,200_This shepherd theme runs through each of the divisions, showing us that our Savior was not an executive, a stylist, a showboater, or a self-absorbed egomaniac. He was a shepherd. Common. Plain. Probably ‘small’ in the eyes of man. But real. And really significant. And of all the verses in this little book, Micah 5:2 stands out as the significant text underscoring this principle, for it was the “little town of Bethlehem” that gave birth to the single greatest life in human history.
Truly, significance is wrapped in small things.
Merry CHRISTmas!

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