“Like” – A Bullet Summary of our Summer Series

Like Series LogoSo what have learned about the kingdom of Heaven (i.e., the kingdom of God) in these past 12 weeks from the parables in Matthew? Here’s a bulleted list, with the number in parenthesis referring to the parable(s) which made that point. The passage for each parable is also listed.

The kingdom…

  • is proven by fruit (1) – Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
  • is opposed and counterfeited (2) – Matthew 13:24-30
  • is small at first but sure at last (3, 4) – Matthew 13:31-33
  • is inherently priceless (5, 6) – Matthew 13:44-46
  • is eventually sorted in judgment (7) – Matthew 13:47-50
  • is God’s forgiveness experienced and extended (8) – Matthew 18:23-25
  • is only graciously given (9) – Matthew 20:1-16
  • is widely offered, sparsely accepted, and sovereignly determined (10) – Matthew 22:2-14
  • includes a time of rejection for those who are unprepared (11 – Matthew 25:1-13), and a time of reward for those who are ready (12 – Matthew 25:14-30)

Which nugget settled inside your heart the most? What change was brought about this summer? In what way(s) did the kingdom become more real? Feel free to share.

Looking forward to our next series and watching God sanctify us more and more through his truth!

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