One of the things the faith family at FFC is attempting to do during December this year is “get out of the church building” (thanks, kids, for the needed reminder in your musical on December 2). We want this season to be more about God’s kingdom than ours; more about his presence than our presents. This Christmas challenge is rooted in the Old Testament book of Haggai, the focus of our study during this advent season. (Click here for a summary of the series.)
So, after offering up some options a week ago, and then collecting the responses and sorting through the data, here’s what’s on the horizon when it comes to our efforts at a Kingdom kind of Christmas:
- 15 people will give time at homeless shelter.
- 24 people will make a meal for a widow or widower, or adopt an elderly person for the holidays
- 21 people will read the Christmas story or sing Christmas music at a nursing home or hospital.
- 36 people will give above and beyond to a missionary or ministry.
- 39 people will share the Christmas gospel with a friend.
- 48 people will invite another family to come with them to our Christmas Eve service.
- 16 people will help the poor and needy.
- 4 people will go caroling in their neighborhood.
- 7 people will do other miscellaneous things.
When I see that list, my heart is encouraged. Strengthened. Cheered. Grinch-proofed! It’s evidence that I’m surrounded with a spiritual family that truly believes what Haggai taught centuries ago — that it is far better to invest your life in God’s Kingdom than to merely spend it on yours.
Love you all at FFC! Thanks for hearing Haggai humbly in these holidays and embracing a Kingdom kind of Christmas!