14 Take-Aways from ER 2

Yesterday I was delighted to attend a simulcast of Elephant Room 2, an event for pastors and leaders sponsored by Harvest Bible Chapel. While this year’s version was, unfortunately, a little tamer, it still yielded healthy discussion and good insights. And here are some of those in sentence form, what I call my 14 take-aways. (Yep, some of these need context to be fully unpacked, but that’s why they sell the DVDs). www.theelephantroom.com

1. Don’t be defensive with the offensive message of the Gospel.

2. Urgency is an inherant part of the Gospel.

3. Don’t front-load the gospel, and don’t cloud the cross. Urgency demands simplicity with accuracy.

4. Preaching is theology coming out of a man on fire.

5. Capacity or capability doesn’t always equal calling.

6. Getting permission to talk to someone candidly doesn’t always produce the courage to actually do it. It’s still hard!

7. Go beyond your code (area and zip)!

8. Staff that can self-correct are gold!

9. Restoration to fellowship is different than restoration to leadership.

10. Better to confess than to admit.

11. You can teach what you know, but you will reproduce what you are.

12. Don’t let your heart write a check that your calendar can’t cash.

13. You can’t see your own eye.

14. Don’t spiritualize your insecurities.

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