A Growing Faith Like Gideon’s #2

“Lord, increase our faith!” was the request of the disciples in Luke 17. How does that happen? A look at the full context of this request (vs. 1-19) will show that there are at least three things God asks of us in order to grow our faith.

2. Know who you are (and whose you are).

The fact that this story follows the disciples request indicates that Jesus is clarifying perspectives about increasing faith. As faith increases, it doesn’t equate to a rise in power or position. Faith in action doesn’t expect a raise or reward; it’s really the normal life all who call themselves a follower of Jesus. And when we simply act on what we know/use what we already have, we shouldn’t look for credit. Instead, we remain content — we’re happy to be his! That’s enough for us.

Gideon exemplified this well when, after completely destroying he Midianites, even pursuing the fleeing kings, he refused to be the king of the Israelites. They wanted him and his sons and his grandsons to “take over” and rule them. Gideon said, “No, the Lord shall rule over you.” That’s perspective, and it is essential to a growing faith.

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