
Over the last two weeks I’ve been using YouVersion Live as a bonus feature for our church during the service. Once you have the app on your Web-enabled mobile device, it allows you to follow along with me electronically on that very device while I’m teaching; you can read the texts, take polls, answer questions, jot down notes, and even invite others to join you. Even more intriguing is that the polling data is shared with all who are following along live, so you get to see what others in the room are are thinking right then and there, even while everyone’s identity is kept anonymous.

Frankly, I’m enjoying it, and I’m not even participating from a listener aspect. But the data is providing some interesting bits of insightful trivia, and in some cases it provides clues to our current situations and demographics. Plus, it’s good seeing how others are taking action in light of what they are learning.

For instance, out of our YouVersion “live” participants…

…34% say the Cosby’s were their favorite TV family.
…28% grew up in a family of 4, 31% grew up in a family of 5, and 24% grew up in a family of 6.
…45% will express thanks to their parents in person (and include a hug!) for the investment they made in their life, while another 36% will do it via a phone call. 18% will say thanks through a gift. (Maybe that’s one of my kids?!?)
…50% reported that, out of the five offerings in Lev. 1-5, the Burnt Offering was the most interesting and helpful to them. The Grain Offering cane in second with 32%.
…only 31% knew that there were about 55 “one another” verses in the New Testament. Most (38%) thought there were over 75.
…42% indicated that the relational aspects of worship (the Guilt Offering principle) were the areas the Holy Spirit was speaking to them about and about which they desired prayer, while 25% said it was the grateful aspects of worship.

These are fun odds-n-ends for a trivia nerd like me…a little “extra credit” from the weekly joy of preparing and preaching.

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