An Old Song, Good Friends, and Sweet Memories

Unknown-6Allow me a moment to reminisce, okay? I ran across an old cassette tape the other day while rummaging through some boxes, and it turned out to be 10 “lost” songs from the acapella high school quartet in which I sing back in the early 80’s. What a jolt to hear those! I remember well singing with those friends – Steve King, David Adkins, and Mark Siers. We’d practice in stairwells and in gyms, then sing often in church, at school functions, retreats, graduations…just about anywhere anybody would listen.

Don’t get me wrong — we really weren’t that good. Listening to it now, I wonder why no one ever told me how flat I sounded sometimes. But we were all 17, loved to harmonize as best we could, and were just trying to use what God gave us to make a difference — our voices.

I don’t know exactly what the other three are doing now, but I thought it fitting during Christmas to put up a couple of the Christmas songs we recorded. So I did the best I could to take the old tape and digitize it. Hang on, it ain’t nothing fit for “Sing Off” … but it does take me back a bit. Bring on the Geritol!

“Silver Bells/White Christmas” (audio only)
“I’ll Be Home for Christmas” (audio only)

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