Q & A

As some of you know, we often engage our church in Q & A during the service. Not every week, but periodically. I like that kind of environment and I think it gives people an opportunity to participate (which I believe is biblical value for the weekly gathering). Granted — we don’t get a boatload of questions. But often just the opportunity is all that is needed to spark some thoughts that get expressed later. Such was the case last week. So I’d thought I’d post this question I received from one of my spiritual siblings.

“As I pondered your message from this past weekend (click here to hear it), I’m burdened with the desire to understand the balance between trusting and trying. When making a major life decision (or even a small one for that matter), how does someone recognize and/or realize if they are handling both correctly? Thank you for your bold and honest Bible teaching.  I’m honored to be involved in a church with leaders like you and our elders.”
A: I’ll make this sweet and simple. When we have to have all the answers before taking even one step, we are trying before trusting. Remember — excessive analysis leads to faith paralysis. When we disguise our fear (i.e., lack of faith) by pretending we are still “researching” all our options, it’s outright disobedience and nothing short of masked rebellion in the face of our Creator.

If you want to see what balancing these two looks like in “real time,” I encourage you to read the book of Acts in one or two sittings. It’ll prove to be a valuable “picture” of how the early believers trusted and tried, and in that order.

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