Union with Christ is that key doctrine underneath so many other doctrines. With more than 175 references to either “in Christ,” “in Christ Jesus,” or “(Christ) in you,” union with Christ is a permeating thread through all of the New Testament. It is the necklace on which the diamonds of salvation and sanctification hang, and the immersion in which all of a believer’s life happens.
By definition, union with Christ is the present realities of the risen Christ 1) indwelling the believer’s life and 2) immersing the believer’s life into himself so that by the Spirit those believers receive every benefit of salvation from start to finish.
By description, union with Christ is, at the least:
- spiritual (1 Cor. 6:17)
- declarative/judicial (Romans 8:1)
- personal (2 Cor 5:17)
- corporate (1 Cor 12:12-13)
- vital (John 15:5)
But there’s so much more to uncover than a couple of metaphors, a definition, and a brief description. And more than I could cover in my 39-minute message on this core concept.
So to help our sheep dig in deeper to this doctrinal footing of their faith, here are some recommended books that will supply a healthy dose of further insight into the truth of union with Christ. There are more, but these are good to get one started.
Union with Christ by Rankin Wilbourne
One With Christ by Marcus Peter Johnson
How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home by Derek Thomas (mainly and especially chapter 11)
Found in Him by Elyse Fitzpatrick