A Growing Faith Like Gideon’s #3

“Lord, increase our faith!” was the request of the disciples in Luke 17. How does that happen? A look at the full context of this request (vs. 1-19) will show that there are at least three things God asks of us in order to grow our faith.

3. Praise him for what he’s done (and what he didn’t do).
This concluding true story shows that faith increases even more as we remember its source – God! In other words, worship and praise fan the flames of faith and give it even greater reason to burn brightly. This means we remember what God has done instead of forgetting, and we take the time to return, in grateful praise, to the One who is responsible for any and all results. Ideally, this is the natural outflow of knowing who we are and whose we are — “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!”

Of course, we also thank God for what he didn’t do — leave us like we were! Gratefulness sees not only what happened (+), but also what didn’t happen (-). Truly, a growing faith faith rejoices in God’s grace and mercy.

Again, Gideon’s life shows us that remembering matters. For while he lived and judged (i.e., at least 40 years), the nation of Israel, for the most part, stayed on course and obedient. It seems he reminded them well of who they were to worship. But as soon as he died, Scripture says they “forgot” God and turned again to idols. Tragically, their faith stopped growing in power when they stopped remembering in worshipping.

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